Now Anyone can verify, check or search the VAT TIN Number of any dealer of any state in India. And All this VAT TIN Registration Verification and Know Your VAT TIN Number on All India basis is only possible because of Initiative of Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers and starting of Tax Information Exchange System (TINXSYS) . So now with this centralized system any person can check his or others dealers details attached to the VAT TIN or CST Number.
So now an local dealer doing any business with VAT Dealer registered outside his state can verify the TIN based details of Dealer like VAT TIN Number, Address CST Number(Sales Tax Number) using TIN Number of dealer before doing any transaction with that dealer.
Every Dealer who is doing any sale purchase with other dealers can check the following details using the TIN Number of other party
TIN VAT Number
CST Number
Dealer Name
Dealer Address
State Name
PAN Number of Dealer
Date of Registration under CST Act
Dealer Registration Status under CST Act
This record is valid as on