There are various way to earn money in India out which this are the top ways to earn money online in India

  • Google AdSense

It is one of the easiest ways to earn money by online business in India from home without any initial investment the method in which it work are as follows

  1. Select the ad you want on your website.
  2. Choose where you want adds to appear.
  3. Watch in the highest paying ads to go live.
  4. Leave the money stuff to
  • Affiliate Marketing

it is like running a retail sho. The difference here in the products you are selling are not your own and if you are learning the method of earning money online in India selling products services and you don’t even need to own them. How much thus it work are as follows

  1. Partner with brands and business like Amazon, Flipkart Company related to your website etc.
  2. Most business like Amazon Flipkart has their own website from where you can apply for affiliate marketing for free.
  3. From there you will get a link to the product.
  4. You need to share the link and whernever someone purchases the product using your link you get paid.
  5. For sharing the link you can use any social media platforms, websites etc.
  • Freelancing

If you have the skills such as writing , programming, development, designinmg etc. There are variety of options which are as follows

  1. Choose an online freelancing platform the most fsmous one are freelancer, Fiverr.
  2. Create your account for free.
  3. Search for the projects related to your skills and do the bidding.
  4. Complete the projects and get paid.
  • Online Tutoring

Anyone with the a specialized interest in any subject matter can be a tutor online

  1. You can use Platforms like Zoom, Skype etc for providing live tutoring.
  2. You can register with companies for online tutoring.
  3. You can also record and model your course and sell or rent it to various website.
  • Youtube

Nowadays millions of people are using youtube. Youtube contain videos on each and every content whether you are a gamer, singer, foody even for people who like watching movies or shows.

  • Selling with Online Platforms

This is one of the most growing fields as in recent times people like online shopping

  1. Retailers and distributors can earn money online by registering with the online shopping platform such as Amazon and Flipkart which sell their products online.
  2. Not even Retailers but also Artisans can sell their products online removing the scope of the middle man.
  3. People even sell their services like repair and maintenance, home cleaning online using plattform like Urbanclap etc.
  • Social Media

It is one of the interesting way of making money online in India. It is not a joke noadays Facebook, Instagram are some of the social media that help most of the people to earn money This can be possible in the following ways

  1. The main asset of the social media is it’s fan base i.e. number of followers.
  2. Companies are ready to pay for social influncers to promote their products or services.
  3. It can also be used as a Platform to sell products by creating their own page on the social media like Facebook, Instagram etc.
  4. It can even be used for educational purposes creating profiles with specific content such as web development, designing machine or even cooking recipes etc.
  • Learn Stock Market Trading

Just like other ways of making online in India for trading we require money to start with

  1. We can earn money online by doing stock trading if you have knowledge of stock market.
  2. There are several Youtube channels and other resources available online to learn and understand the concepts of trading.
  3. One of the best way to start learning and trading is to register on Zerodha which is known as India’s biggest stockbroker service.
  4. Varsity by Zerodha is one of the good resource to learn to trade.
  • Become a Consultant

For making money online we can also use our experience and knowledge to counsel others.

1.Anyone having skills and experience can become consultant.

  1. You might not know but you will be suprised at the types of expertise oeople will pay for

Even a Youtuber, blogger, content writer can earn money in respective field instead you can make noney by making video on how to use social media effectively

  • Surveys, Searches and Reviews

There are several websites and business which pay money for filling up surveys, carrying out online searches and writers reviews on products

  1. There are many reputated companies to choose one among any of this which includes Swagbucks, Prixe Rebels which are available for surveys to earn money and also rewards.
  2. Stick with the companies which offer you a decent number of surveys.
  3. Avoid opportunities that take lots of time and also pay less.
  4. This is a fun way we can take earn some points, referrals, gift cards, using apps step which pay us for walking, google opinion rewards and many this type of apps and webites are available.